We are having our final closing session to ALA L2 Bootcamp. Right meow. On the phone (do not ask, all will be explained in time) Each group is getting the chance to talk about our projects, how we got started, the process we underwent, and what form our final projects took. The sheer volume of information gathered by the groups is amazing, of course, the sheer amount of reading we did was amazing as well.
The issues the groups tackled were:
- Team 1 – Best Practices for Public Comment on Library and/or Association Website
- Team 2 – How Are Associations Utilizing 2.0 Technology? What Has Been The Impact?
- Team 3 – Using social networking tools to create a National Library Advocacy Campaign
- Team 4 – Delivering Continuing Education to Our Members Using Web 2.0 Technologies
- Team 5 – How Can 2.0 Technology be Used to Facilitate Collaboration Around the Framing of Library Issues?
- Team 6 – Created a wiki that gives new librarians and library school students a place to find information and a place to add information about libraries, library school, and what it’s like to be a new librarian.
- Team 7 – Dealing with challenges to library materials podcast
Team 8 – Implementing Recommended RSS Feeds (Compiled As OPML Files) By Division Or Library Type - Team 9 – Integrating Library Services Into Major Search Engines in Simple Easy Steps
Team 10 – How Can Library 2.0 Be Used to Enhance Membership?
All of the above links were taken from this link on the main Bootcamp blog.
It was an interesting end and everyone had a chance to talk. It seems that ALA is willing to begin to have an open collaboration type relationship with its members. I hope that they do. I hope that they seriously consider the feedback they get both from the members of Bootcamp and from the community. The feedback from the biblioblogosphere is as important as the members, IMHO, because our work was not done in a vacuum. I hope we are all honest in our evaluations and I hope ALA listens.
Bootcampers are taking a survey to share our feelings, but I encourage others to post away and let all the groups know what you think of our work and the process. I will post my own reflections here, soon.
–Jane, stay tuned