Speaking Fees

I am trying to speak at more conferences. There are a couple of reasons why I am submitting proposals, not the least of which are my tenure requirements. I enjoy presenting and teaching, which is nice, but my library does not fund everything I do. Rachel Singer Gordon released her Speaking Fee Survey about a week ago and it is very interesting though the comments were not unexpected.

As a librarian who is currently woefully underpaid, trying to get to more conferences to speak is daunting, especially when I am not being compensated for my time or knowledge. This year I can only swing my conference schedule because of ALA TechSource (press passes) and the Emerging Leaders Program (money from LITA!). I would do both of these things anyway, but it is nice to get the boost.

I am giving a preconference at the Texas Library Association this year. It was an opportunity I felt I could not pass up. But. Though I am not a member, I work in Texas and therefore can not be paid for my time. I do not have to register to attend the conference, but I do have to pay for all travel out of my own expenses. I was told I could be given a gas card which is better then nothing, as they say.

Money and our profession is a bit of a sore topic for me lately anyway, but I hate the way academia (not just libraries) take advantage of underpaid workers who need to have certain things on their resume to advance.

–Jane, le sigh