I feel I have to comment on this given my profession. For those of you who are not addicted to tv, I am talking about The Librarian with Noah Wyle that was on TNT last night. I admit that I only watched the first 30 minutes or so and then decided that I was not in the mood for over dramatic stereotypes. I have read some reviews by other librarians and they either liked the tongue in cheek or thought it was crap. I am going to watch it all of the way through before I make my final judgment, but let us get one thing straight. The character is not a librarian at all, he is an archivist, which is very different AND I doubt that any of his 22 degrees are in Library Science. Archivists also have to pass a test and take special classes to be certified, usually in addition to an MLS.
At least they got one thing straight, librarianship is the profession of the over educated.