Daily Bits

I know my blog posts have been hit and miss since last week. Sorry. I have been too busy at work to think of anything fabulous to say and my computer at home has had a bad case of spyware. Hopefully, I can get my computer cleaned up by the weekend. Otherwise I might go absolutely insane. Actually insane sounds nice.

LITA has a new interest group, Bigwig (Blogs, Instant messaging, and Wikis Interest Group), which will not be official until ALA Annual in June. For now, we have a wonderful new listserv which you can find here

Rita Rambles has pointed me to this site which is quite funny. My big pet peeve is overuse of the letter Y. I have a cousin named Jordyn Macayla. Yeesh. She is a brat too.

–Jane, adding a Y to an ordinary name does not make it extraordinary