Anchored Down

Erica Olsen, Library Avengers, had a funny post last week, regarding parents and one of the odd habits they develop as you get older and move from home:

Instead of the usual paperbacks and gift certificates, I started receiving Very Heavy Things.

Causing her to conclude that her parents were building an anchor that would inhibit her future efforts to move even farther from home. The post is really quite funny, especially in light of the fact that Mr. Rochester’s parents came a’ visiting last weekend and his mom produced a large black duffel bag filled with things she felt her children needed. An oil mister for the kitchen, a slotted spoon, a wicker sliverware drawer thingy, an entire set of glasses, a pair of coffee mugs (Mr. Rochester does not even drink coffee), a pair of tongs that hilariously broke when she pulled them out of the bag, two huge jar candles, and (my personal favorite) an empty antibacterial handsoap conatainer from Bath and Body Works. Ladies and Gnetleman, these much needed items were transported all the way from Maryland to Texas.

–Jane, Mr. R really did need a slotted spoon