I have a lot of little things to say, so it is bits and bits.
Welcome, Gabriella Mackenzee! New to the world as of yesterday and number 18 in the cousin line of my family. We are a rowdy bunch who loves hard and never knows when to stop drinking. Hey, we learned it from the adults.
And this link, older, but timely for a few of us, so I wanted to put it up. Plus, these guys crack me up.
Library 2.0 – I have previously written about this, but it seems to be the topic of discussion. If you are wondering what all the hub bub is about, go and read the original article from Talis that started it all here.
Mr. Rochester and I went to a dinner and silent auction on Saturday and bet whimsically on a trip to Costa Rica. We won, much to our surprise, and later (it took a awhile for me to get over the shock of actually winning), delight. I love to travel so I am very happy that next year I will be going to Scotland and Costa Rica. Awesome.
Lastly, but not leastly, and as I have nothing else to say, I present to you, the bundle of joy Mr. Rochester and I will be picking up December 23, Pullo.
World, meet Titus Pullo Smith. Pullo, meet world. Awwwwww.
I promise not to do that a lot, but I am very proud of my puppy dog. Oh, and bonus to whomever can guess where that name is from and it does not count if I have already told you. Cheaters.
–Jane, time’s a’flyin’