Another Immersion List

Things I learned at Immersion:

  • The shopping cart is Tyranny!
  • There are other people who learn in the same spastic way I do – Hooray for the Loonies!
  • I sometimes have trouble slowing down from my looniness to address the learners that do not always appreciate my pace. Some people think about things far longer than my patience allows! But I must try.
  • I learned that one of my favorite coworkers is a thinker and my looniness may not always be, erm, appreciated. I need to think more about her and less about me. (I know. I know. It should be ALL about me).
  • I have heard proof that librarians are smart and have come up with funny ways to deal with the tragic workplaces some of us face.
  • It was reinforced in my mind that some librarians should not be teachers (or work in public service for that matter) and need to find other things to do with their time. This comment stems from the story in this post.
  • Writing outcomes is even easier when you use “in order to” as the connecting phrase.
  • There are other non-blog people who think that tools are made for librarians and we design classes for teachers not students. Now, how are we going to fix it?
  • The less surface area you place on a water slide, the quicker you go down.
  • Sometimes you get a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

Jane, ready to apply knowledge gained