Twitter Updates for 2007-08-25

  • at BarCamp Houston in the first session on StartUps in Houston #
  • learning about lots of resources for startups in Houston #
  • that was informal and fun. I want more conferences to be this way. Time for a switch and a new topic #
  • next topic is the Up Experience #
  • @ijastram – I am the same way. There is power in numbers. If both of us do it, is it really crazy? #
  • Ernie is telling us about avoiding myopic vision when creating your startup #
  • The Up Experience is based on TED – Technology, Entertainment, Design #
  • Steve Wosniak is one of the speakers for the Up Experience – cool #
  • Eric Mongrain will be doing some entertainment for the Up Experience #
  • so far, BarCamp is fun and I am learning a lot. I am ready for lunch tho #
  • at BarCamp, overheard in a session (not presenter): I do not believe in Web 2.0. Nothing has changed. (well, i disagree *shrug*) #
  • listening to a talk about Enterprise 2.0 and how this business is different then the status quo #
  • There is some good discussion in this room about what web 2.0 is and how it effects businesses #
  • discussing why businesses to not even share knowledge internally #
  • I think the guy who was supposed to go at 3 went at 2 and it is possible my time slot was skipped. poo #
  • I did my presentation in 15 minutes. I had a small audience and i am not sure training was the right choice for this. Oh, well. It was fun. #
  • Eric, self-employed programmer is telling us about his new project that he is writing in Water … #
  • oops bad link Water #
  • dang, twitter keeps eating the link, well it is Water the programming language #
  • discussing how programming languages come into being and how they are perceived as valuable #
  • want to work with Water by Swampware #
  • and it is Matt not Eric #
  • Swampware is creating a new language, Water, that is an internet scripter language #
  • Next up: Open Source Currency #
  • getting sleepy, I may leave soon, the day is almost over #
  • the open source currency presentation is good tho #
  • one of his slides appears to be a photo of info written on a napkin. Awesome! #
  • BarCampHouston2 has been fun but I think it is time to wave good bye. #

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