Things That Make Librarians Smile

Story published with permission.

Yesterday evening, two of my colleagues taught a class for some upper level students. It was Robin’s first time to teach and she was nervous, but she had an experienced teacher and librarian, Nancy, co-teaching with her. The class went very well, the students were engaged, and the professor was pleased with the content. They shared this over email this morning:

During the time the students had to work on their topics, a student raised his hand for some individual help searching the catalog:

Student: Can’t I search by ISBN anymore?
Me (incredulously, but politely): You search by ISBN?
Student: An ISBN is like a Social Security Number for a book!
Me (more incredulously, but politely): Most students haven’t heard of ISBN’s, How do you know about them?
Student: I LOVE libraries!
His friends sitting near him: Yeah, he LIVES in the Library!

And later, after I wrapped up the class and received some appreciative applause, I overheard the same student say emphatically to his friends, “And THAT’S why I like libraries!”

This made me laugh and reminded me that people do love libraries and that teaching is one of the most rewarding things I get to do at my job.

–Jane, and that’s why I love libraries