- in my email this morning https://www.cottyn.com/item/43/guys #
- @griffey – go home and sleep. That’s an order! #
- planning for my two classes on Friday – Feminist Theory Lit and a class of undergrad tutors #
- student tasered on U of FL campus http://tinyurl.com/2qgb52 #
- @lucy_anne – well that’s one way to get your government’s attn. Think we could auction Dubbya on eBay? #
- @joshuamneff – good point. Alas, another great plan foiled by reality #
- @pbromberg – srsly? have they been living on Mars? Underground? On a plane, in a train, in a box, with a fox or with green eggs and ham? #
- ref desk shift – bring on the printing problems! #
- @tinfoilraccoon – we do, depends on content we have hist db that is high but only one w/ content #
- and end scene #
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