- updating a handout for a presentation #
- Outline for a 6 weeks long class done and presentation info for another presentation sent. two things down and it is only 9:30! woot #
- Things left to do today: ref shift and playing with Camtasia #
- @djfiander – magic? Mondays could always do with some magic #
- @ijastram – sounds like it. Go get’em, Tiger! #
- @akearns – yup, you can take shuttle to Monterey or rent a car. If split car w/someone is same as shuttle #
- @joshuamneff – you know you want to replace your bowtie for the superfly outfits to wear at IL!! You do! You do! #
- @griffey – why aren’t you working? i can had somes? #
- helping students through the same bad assignment I have talked to professor about two semesters in a row. this will make 3. </headdes … #
- tired, got so many things done today though #
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