- assessing the day #
- @infosciphi – what?! There are never too many LOLCats #
- @joshuamneff – u always have the goodness #
- Finally making my announcement: http://tinyurl.com/ytgq9w #
- @pbromberg – i believe that is in my feed list #
- @karendalziel – I saw it, thx! #
- @jenica26 – it is in the water #
- @djfinader – TG for DVR! #
- whoops, @djfiander – TG for DVR #
- @all – thx guys. I am very happy to be able to finally tell all my web friends #
- @shines – thanks, i think 😉 #
- @cjburns – you know, I did have *some* help #
- I ate a hot pocket for lunch http://tinyurl.com/2a5tf9 #
- from Coupling – Four Pillars of the Heterosexual Male Psyche: Not entirely SFW http://youtube.com/watch?v=qje83fShvkg #
- i forgot how hilarious Coupling was. Am trading Coupling clips with people at work who should be doing something productive #
- @newrambler – new McKinley!!!! must haves! http://tinyurl.com/2bts29=pd_bbs_1/104-7201307-3621545?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1192735976&sr=8-1 #
- URL broke, here it is again http://tinyurl.com/2bts29=pd_bbs_1/104-7201307-3621545?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1192735976&sr=8-1 #
- ug, why is tinyURL not working! #
- making a spreadsheet in Google docs to keep track of a new IM reference pilot – hooray! #
- can I just say that Google has made my document, spreadsheet, presentation, email, and feed reader life a dream? I love you evil Google #
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