- at work, wondering what pile to tackle first… #
- class announcement finished, check! #
- I just unsubscribed from a bunch of ALA listservs, why? because i never read them and I HATE LISTSERVS #
- looking over LTR proofs. they look so shiny! #
- answering numerous requests from students who have a annotated bib due today: is this citation right? wonder if they look before asking… #
- @dwfree – good, u read them all and tell me what they say, ok? #
- @msauers – who cares? #
- buying books on Amazon for fun, now back to work #
- I deleted my Pownce account, good riddance! I am in a Fall cleaning mood. 😉 What else can I trash? #
- launching chat reference today! http://info.lib.uh.edu/services/aska.html #
- @cindi – hee, no problems! #
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