- @dwfree – will there be fire and brimstone? #
- weeding and cleaning my feeds, marked all as read, going to keep up a bit better #
- @kgs – flexibility is fine, this is for fun #
- @clifflandis – "but I don’t wanna explode!" #
- posted: http://tinyurl.com/2hula9 #
- crossing things off my to do list – outing myself as the AL – check! #
- @cindi – it is never too late really to be the AL #
- hey, Xander http://twitter.com/Xander just totally friended me on Twitter, wonder if the Scoobies will let me go hunting sometime? #
- @joshuamneff – hugs kisses? are you talking about pr0n? I can not participate in such discussions. think of the children! #
- in LSW room chatting with some librarians about kids #
- oh! oh! now the Buff is following me. My day is complete http://twitter.com/BuffySummers #
- @joshuamneff – I know, but had to make the joke #
- @jenica26 – well since you wrote it in the LSW room and Twitter, it must be true #
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