- getting ready to leave for the hilton and the unconference! #ala2009 #unala2009 #
- transfered from blue to red. waiting in red train. starving. will find coffee on way to hilton #ala2009 #
- according to the station preacher here: “God is always knocking. ” amen #ala2009 #
- how r things #
- unconference going good so far #unala2009 #
- follow unconference at http://connect.ala.org/node/77516 #unala2009 #
- told librarian on train yest. that I like to come to ALA and talk to ppl smarter than me. in rm filled w them today #ala2009 #unala2009 #
- matthew has awesome pictures on his slides #unala2009 #
- Matthew: don’t be afraid to leap #
- first discussion period now ongoing at #unala2009 #
- going around groups to get sound bytes #unala2009 #
- from web 3.0 grp: when something is effortless the adoption goes whoosh! #unala2009 #
- steve: setting tone at unconference is important #unala2009 #
- the managing change group is discussing how to shelve movies. lol #unala2009 #
- from tech sand: where u put the chairs in your classroom is a technology gr8! #unala2009 #
- tech sand: not sitting in rows in a classrm can b a technology. we r the tech. #unala2009 #
- online ntwks: there r no standards and getting same conversation everywhere not gd #unala2009 #
- online ntwks: the attitude between pple trying things and looking at for wk is different #unala2009 #
- reference: we r not reaching the ppl we need to. info lit alone does not cut it #unala2009 #
- gov docs: one issue is that docs r agency based and not topic based. i did not know that #unala2009 #
- i am blown away by the conversations going on #unala2009 #
- we have a few extra box lunches at #unala2009. come get something to eat #
- getting ready for the afternoon session #unala2009 #
- will have buttons left. If you want one. find me, will trade for others! #unala2009 #
- i love librarians #unala2009 #
- realized I have not been on the computer for long periods of time and my wrist is killing me #ala2009 #
- packing it up to go to the EL poster sessions for a bit and then back at #unala2009 #ala2009 #
- packing it up to go to the EL Poster session then back to the #unala2009 #ala2009 #
- ppl always get mad at the shuttles. i am just happy to not have to pay 4 a cab or walk #ala2009 #
- taking cab back to hilton. shuttle was too slow to meet my deadline #ala2009 #
- decided Codslap! should be shared so gave mine away #ala2009 #
- back at #unala2009 #
- love the new hashtag #librariansfuckyeah #
- if u left your bag at the #unala2009 i left it at hotel registration desk #
- fed the Wee Bairn. waiting on pizza and @griffy @eprahs for an alert to meet #
- gathering to meet @griffey and @eprahs #
- it feels awesome outside in chicago tonight. cabbie has window open and i am lovin it #ala2009 #
- had gr8 time at Big bar in Hyatt with old friends @griffey @eprahs @tombrarian over beers. #ala2009 #
- now off to bed #
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