Library Box Author List for #ALAMW18

**Updated 2/10/18**

I will be carrying around a Library Box during Midwinter. If you see me, log into the Library Box wifi, and download some ebooks from indie authors. If you like the book, review it or buy it for your collection.

Here is a list of participating authors and their social media links.

If Tomorrow Never Comes
Lisa Chalmers
Twitter: @lisaink

Fooling Around With Cinderella
Prancing Around With Sleeping Beauty
Stacy Juba

Denise Jaden

The Unraveling
Laurel Wanrow

Guarding Her Heart
Laura McNeil

The Bridesmaid and the Hurricane
Kelly Maher

The Rogue’s Fate
Missy De Graff

Lightning in the Dark
Storm in the Mountains
Letters in the Snow
Plagues of the Heart
Michelle Boule

Thank you to everyone who sent me books for this project. I will post stats next week.