Oops, Dropped the Soap

I am almost done with Eldest, review coming soon, and I feel a romance binge coming on. Best that I get it out of my system so I can spend my Christmas holiday reading my new books and watching Serenity over and over and over…

Every couple of months I binge read romance novels. I will read 2-4 in about a week and when I can no longer take a throbbing this or pulsating that, I move on to better pastures. I can only withstand so much lust in so short a time period and if I really wanted to read something lusty, I would read Laurell K. Hamilton. Sometimes after a couple pages of Hamilton, I feel the need to shower extensively.

–Jane, [insert joke here]

Dear Jesus

Well now that Ann Rice is on our side, we are sure to win millions for Christ.

“I promised,” she says, “that from now on I would write only for the Lord.”

Does that mean that only the Lord has to read them because much of Christian fiction makes me ill.

–Jane, hey, maybe Jesus likes vampire stories

Wanderings for the day

This is the time of day when one sits at one’s desk and asks, “Is it 5 yet?……What about……………… Now?!” I have not been outside since this morning, but the brief glimpses of the blue sky and sunshine outside of the window have made me long for a blanket in some nice spot and a book. By the time I leave work, it will have already begun to darken and I will have missed a large part of the beautiful day. Is it right to keep people holed up this way? At least I like my job and can feel free to pity those who do not love theirs half as much.

The worst thing about reading a good book (yes I said worst thing) is that no matter what else you are doing, you would rather be reading the book. It is as if everything else becomes less real and you are just biding time until you can read again. My lunch break was so long ago and when I get home I will have to pay attention to the boyfriend instead of Emma Woodhouse. Drats!