Collapsed Boxes

Everything is unpacked except the kitchen. It is a good feeling, as if I actually live there now instead of visiting on the weekends. Even with a stool, I can barely reach the top shelf in the kitchen cabinets, let alone into them, so Mr. R will be helping with with that tonight. Poor man. He must really love me.

For two nights in a row we have stayed up playing Civ. Tonight we are going on hiatus to get some things done around the house. Oh, and sleep at a normal time.

Next substantial post, as in something other than ME!, will be a short review of The Time Traveler’s Wife, which I just finished.

–Jane, working, working


Happy Halloween!

I am dressed as Kaylee Frye, mechanic extraordinaire. One of my partners in crime is dressed as our library dean, complete with suit, hose, and jewelry. Trick or treat.

–Jane, smell my feet

Beautiful Day

Oh, glorious Saturday! What wonders do you have in store for me today? With coffee and book in hand, I greet you beautiful sun and chilly air. Hooray, for a day of leisure and college football. There are times when being alone can be a burden, but sometimes I revel in aloneness. This is a weekend without plans and obligations, so I am enjoying it in my favorite way. Is it wrong to spend all day reading? I think not. Enjoy your weekend.