Book Reviews From People I Know Too Well

Now that people I love, people I see everyday, and people I randomly run into at holiday parties are reading my book, they all tell me what they think of it. The reactions have been positive and, dare I say, enthusiastic. It is still amusing to me to have people I know talk to me about characters that used to only live in my head. Some of these conversations are funny, because I know the people so well and I can read between the lines.

A little fun for Friday and some words to make you smile.

Dear Readers, I give you Book Reviews From People I Know Entirely Too Well. Enjoy.

From Mr. Rochester (my dear husband): The beginning was a little slow. I know you were doing some world building, but there were too many emotions and feelings.

Please note: Mr. R is an engineer with a heart of ice and any mention of feelings, tender or otherwise, is entirely too much for him. If Petra and the gang just got into fights in the saloon all the time, he would probably enjoy the book much better. I told him he would like Marina’s book more because the fighting to feelings ratio was higher. He is of the opinion that men only shed actual tears while watching Rudy. Any other emotional display is unacceptable. Good thing I have feelings for him.

From my Mother-in-Law: You write good descriptions. You don’t go on and on forever about the mountains and I’m thankful for that.

Please note: This comment from the woman who once went on a cruise to Alaska. When asked what she thought of it, her reply was, “The only thing to see was mountains and trees. It was boring.” I think she missed the point of going to Alaska.

From my Mom: It was really good. I really liked it.

Please Note: Even if it was rubbish (it’s not, I promise) she has to say that. She gave birth to me.

My Adoring Aunt: You’re the most beautiful writer in the entire world.

Please Note: This was after only reading the dedication and the acknowledgments. I have to admit; I love that lady to pieces.

Happy Friday everyone!

You’re Welcome

I married a man who can be as full of the snark as I am and Lord does that ever make me happy. Today he sent me a link to a CNN article about Apple admitting their iPhones have reception issues. Really? I never knew.

The best thing about the email was that he said not even to read the article. He had wrote a summary for me which I would like to share with you.

Let me translate what Apple says here.

We have been trying to deceive you for years. We tried to make it seem like you had good phone reception by purposely miscalculating the number of bars to display higher than the actual signal strength. We have been doing this since the first iPhone but now that enough people are buying the iPhone 4 the low din of complaints has turned into a loud roar as more and more of you are not the brainwashed fanboys that market our products as genius. So, now that you have discovered our deception, we will no longer ignore our deficient hardware, which can be seen in other smartphones too, by the way. Instead we will spin this as great customer service by releasing a software update that will remove the deceptive calculation of signal strength and now you will be able to tell better how poor your reception is before attempting to make a phone call that you clearly can’t. You’re welcome.

–Jane, no Apple fanboys here

UFO Translations

While searching the Internets for founts of information Saturday, Mr. Rochester and I were perplexed by Google’s logo which featured a UFO abducting one of the Os. Apparently, we were not the only ones confused, as there was no text explaining the graphic.

Google, changed the logo in an homage to the classic game that spawned the All Your Base hilariousness.

If you have, perhaps, been under a rock for the past 10 years or you are not as geeky as the rest of us, you can read the Wikipedia entry on it.

–Jane, you have no chance to survive, make your time

If it was April…

I would assume this was a joke. Strangely, it is neither April nor a joke, though it may indeed be a farce.

I am currently trying to wrap up some post-ALA things and juggling the never ending list of things I must do, which includes the care and feeding of that child someone left on my doorstep. Note to self, remove doorstep.

–Jane, soylent green, it’s what’s for dinner


Found via facebook: barcode folly

Maybe the clerk putting the barcode in the book really, really hated the ending.

–Jane, but maybe the rest of us want to hate it too

An Unconference for the People

It is time to be the presentation topic you want to be.

Do you have a topic you want to discuss with others but can find no outlet? Have a new idea or project you want to share?

At ALA Annual 2009, I (along with my frequent partner in crime Meredith Farkas) am helping to plan and run an Unconference as part of Jim Rettig’s “Creating Connections” initiatives. 75 people will be able to participate in an all day event where they can be presenter, discussion leader, and participant. The attendees will choose the topics for discussion and presentation. It is going to be a fun and new way to interact at ALA.

Be the change you want to see and come play with us Friday, July 10th from 9-5. All you have to do is add your name to the list. I promise that you will have fun and learn something exciting in the process.

This is a unique opportunity to not only be part of something new at ALA but it is also a way to connect with your fellow librarians while discussing the topics of the day chosen by you and not the talking heads.

–Jane, looking forward to seeing who wants to play and what they want to talk about

An Unfortunate Choice of Words

In my city newsletter, there is always a list of library events which I like to peruse with varying degrees of interest. This month a children’s program caught my eye. It is called, ahem, the “Pocket Puppeteer.” *cough*

I am not sure what the puppet master has in his pocket, but I am fairly certain that I do not want to see it.

–Jane, close your eyes kiddos

That Old Ballgame

There has been some controversy regarding baseball’s origins recently. According to Julian Norridge, Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey mentions baseball well before it was reported to have been invented in America. Furthermore, Norridge says that there is mention of the sport in a diary from Surrey dated 1775.

I do not care where or when baseball originated, but Stephen Colbert, of the Colbert Report, gave Jane Austen a “Wag of His Finger” last week. The Austen bit is directly after the wag at the Pope. Colbert’s take on Austenian romance had me quite diverted.

–Jane, loves diversion

Wood, for Geeks

XKCD, “If I wasn’t married, I would take you in a [womanly] fashion” or at the very least share a pint of Mudder’s Milk with you if I ever got the chance.

XKCD Comic

–Jane, typing with wee bairn on her lap