Twitter Updates for 2007-07-22

  • at the Gaming Learning Libraries Symposium – this is going to be a different kind of conference #
  • @dwfree shared gum with me. I really needed that gum! #
  • new learning project #
  • @utopianlibrary – i have on my I Love Nerds shirt #
  • @griffey – I do not get my book until Tuesday night, at least give us a week! #
  • I will make a diorama depicting a major scene from HP, once I read it! #
  • project NML, new media exemplar library (to be looked up) #
  • to remember – Jane McGonigal – game creator (I love bees, cruel 2 b kind) #
  • Henry Jenkins is a very smart man #
  • Scott Nicholson is up next #
  • he is very funny #
  • “we’ll screw up so you do not have to” speaking of his ludology group (the study of games and play) #
  • “gambling may be the way to solve our funding issues” – gambling for late feed #
  • @cranklibrarian – haha, very nice #
  • @dwfree – yes and that is what I did today actually. I ate so fast I made my stomach hurt. Figures #
  • it is like Oprah – Scott just gave everyone in the audience a copy of Wits & Wagers to take home – awesome #
  • feeling like poo. I could use some advil and a nap #
  • @dwfree is my hero today. first gum and now advil. sweet! #
  • Scott keeps talking about a game I have never heard of, Go #
  • not really taking good notes as I know we are getting the white paper and also am tired #
  • @utopianlibrary – i have never played Othello or Go #
  • @utopianlibrary – thxm I am not sure I get why I could only play on certain squares tho, also I sucked at it #
  • @dwfree & @utopianlibrary – r u guys playing games tonight? Wanna make a team? #
  • also I am hoping to get some pizza tonight or tomorrow, anyone else want to go have Chicago pie? #
  • I am good at bowling and ok at tennis #
  • Scott’s website #
  • white paper is on that web site, sorry, put the url out there with little explanation #
  • @utopianlibrary – GH2? #
  • we get a break – up next: Eli Neiburger and I get to intro him! #
  • @rikhei – hey, no one blames you #
  • Eli is talking about what running a gaming program can cost a library – planning is good! #
  • “there are more gamers then recreational readers at your library” #
  • Eli is a wonderful speaker – i am not really taking notes, just Twittering this one #
  • what our kids will say to us when annoyed with our lack of tech skills – “dad, how can you not interface with the core mind?!” #
  • “people who knit do not need all those socks” they want to have fun in the library #
  • Eli took his son camping… in line for a Wii #
  • Super Smash Brothers #
  • alert – “Polock Dick” is not a good game handle, mwahahaha and it is on you tube #
  • advil finally kicking in *sigh* #
  • Snorks! Eli replaces bad words in posts from teens with the word “snork” (with permission) #
  • @utopianlibrary – come use my plug! #
  • “AADL gaming tournaments show that there is still life in the library” from one of AADL’s teens. Cool! #
  • gaming tournaments provide positive interactions with library staff. no long sheet of rules. #
  • @crankylibrarian – Scott was saying that people do not come to library to knit cuz they need socks, they come cuz they have fun #
  • gaming can bring older and younger kids together, and adults! #
  • AADL does some really cool stuff #
  • libraries have stigma with teens and we need to sometimes be aware of that #
  • someone in the back row is talking on her cell phone during Eli’s talk. OMG, stop it already! #
  • Eli shows us the rough cut if a video he has been working on #
  • aadl’s gaming room is sweet #
  • they have kids who travel 2 hours to participate in their tournaments! #
  • “There is this big underground room with staff doing staffish things” #
  • “i don’t think of the library as being old fashioned anymore” quotes from teens in library #
  • GTSystem from AADL that does scoring, brackets, etc, etc, and they are making it available to other libraries #
  • AWESOME! #
  • – site about gt system – slides #
  • libraries should buy game strategy books and game magazines – this is another way to reach that group #
  • @crankylibrarian – she stopped, but I mean it even rang and everything and she answered it! People, *eye roll* #
  • that lady’s phone rang again! and she answered it, again! holy crap! #
  • ok, off to the gaming tournament #

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